My Dearest Conor
I swear it was just yesterday that I drove you to your first day of kindergarten. I pulled away from your school and then had to pull into a parking lot about a block away to wipe the tears. Even then I could not believe you were starting kindergarten, now today I am sitting here again in disbelief that you are graduating kindergarten.
Conor, I am not going to lie, I was weary about placing you in a school for kids with autism. I was afraid you would not be challenged, then again I was afraid you were going to be challenged too much. I was afraid if I put you in a "special school", you would stay there and never have the opportunity to experience being a student at a public school. As time went on and I witnessed the progress you continued to make, my fears disappeared. I can't tell you exactly when the "Ah Ha" moment happened for me, but I can tell you it was early on. Enrolling you in the Arizona Autism Charter School was one of the best decisions I have made for you. You love the school, you love your teacher and staff and best of all..... you have learned a lot!
I look back at where you were at the beginning of the year and where you are now and Baby, I could not be any more proud of you. You are learning to read, to write your name, you use your iPad to communicate so much more and your sign language is just amazing.
Conor I am soooo incredibly proud of you. YOU GRADUATE KINDERGARTEN TODAY!!! Oh the Places You'll Go......
All my love forever,
Way to go, Conor. x