Letters to My Son, Conor

Letters to My Son, Conor

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10.21.15 - So Proud

My Dearest Conor,

Hey Monkey. Been a while since I have written you a letter, things have been just a tab bit crazy. Work is really keeping me on my toes, plus this new organization I have started, top that off with everything wrapped around you that keeps me busy. I wonder how I manage to still stand some days, but staying busy is so much easier than the alternative.

Since my last letter to you, you started a new school. From all reports and seeing your own actions when we head to school in the morning, you seem to really like it. I guess we will find out next week just how much you like it when I attend your parent teacher conferences.

Since my last letter to you, you lost another therapist. Felicia chose to pursue another line of work. I have interviewed 3 and decided on 2 and they should be starting the pairing next week. Mandi is of course still part of your team, sorry kid, you are stuck with that one! :)

Since my last letter to you, I attempted a gluten-free way of eating with you. I didn't see a lot of changes, except for in my bank account, but when you got sick and were unable to keep anything down I had no choice but to give you whatever you could keep down and that just happened to be regular crackers and pretzels. After that, I kept you off the GF way for about 2 weeks in which it was brought to my attention that your focus was off again. So maybe this GF thing could be helping w/ your focus. IDK. It was decided that I was going to try  the GF again in November, but Monkey, I will be honest with you, it is soooo expensive and you don't eat 1/2 the food I give you and you end up throwing it away. It's like crumpling up money and tossing it in the trash. Will just have to see how things go. I can tell you that  you did NOT like any of the GF foods. None of it!

Since my last letter to you, you started and completed season 4 of Bambino Buddy Baseball. This season for some reason was a bit rougher than last, IDK if it was all the other changes in your routine (starting new school, losing therapist, GF way of eating, etc) or what, but you had your good days and you had your bad days. But overall, you continued to make progress and that is all that matters to me. Coach Matt came back to coach, you got to play with Jayen again and meet some new friends too. An unexpected bonus that came out of  this season was Coach Matt's wife, Nicole ended up taking control of the PA system and did an amazing job of announcing the entire season. I made her an award for her efforts as well. She is quite the character.

Since my last letter to you, you have found this new way to accentuate your verbal sounds. We call it "duck lips" but whatever helps you, I don't care what it looks like or what we call it. It is helping you to verbally say so many things, including "Mom". Soon baby.... I will hear you say this soon. Once that happens, it won't be long till I hear "I love you Mom". Fingers crossed.

Well, I need to wrap this letter up, need to go post in mommy's blog now. Read some blog posts from someone last night and it kind of inspired me to get back in here. I am sorry it has been so long since my last letter, I will try really hard to make sure I get in here more.

Proud of you Monkey. You have made so much progress over the last several months, keep up the good work baby. I love you.

All My Love, Forever.

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you wrote this post in the form of a letter to Conor. It's very special.
